Hi, I'm Elwood.....
I live in eastern NC with my wife, two beautiful children, and our dog. Being a husband and father are the two greatest things that a man can be. My wife is the most wonderful woman that I know. She is strong willed, determined, awesome mother, fantastic wife, caring, and a great friend. My children are wonderful. It's so cool watching them grow up. There is always something going on, which begs the question, "What did we ever do with our free time?" I wouldn't trade any of it for anything.
I started this blog because I'm just an average guy who loves beer and have made it my mission to share my experiences from brewery tours, tastings, festivals and other miscellaneous events. I also hope raise awareness about some of the lesser or unknown brews in our world because I truly believe there are no bad crafted beers. Yes, I said it, because somebody loves that particular beer that I don't have the taste for. The same applies to brewers. There is no such thing as a bad brewer. Every brewer has a passion and drive for what they do, if they didn't then they wouldn't do what they are doing. They are always learning new tricks to perfect their craft.
As with anything (say brewers), you must be a sponge, always learning as much as you can. If I do that, then I can provide the best available information to you.
With all that I said, I hope you can learn something from this blog or better yet, teach me something.
great stuff man