Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout

This time of year typically brings two things, cold weather and seasonal beer releases.  The “post-Christmas” beer releases yields stouts and porters or what I consider "the good stuff."  

I’ll kick this off with the Black Chocolate Stout from  Brooklyn Brewery .  It’s an imperial style by design and is one of many seasonal brews that the brewery offers. 

On to the review…

After chilling the brew in the fridge for a few minutes, I open the first bottle and am welcomed by a nice chocolate aroma with a hint of coffee.  It pours black with a nice tan head that doesn’t linger for long.  I let it settle for a few seconds then take the first sip.  The flavor is as the aroma suggested and was very smooth.  One thing I noticed is there was no hint of licorice as in most imperials. Although it’s easy to drink, I must warn that it doesn’t take long for the hidden 10% abv to sneak up on you…trust me.

Foodwise, this beer goes really well with anything chocolate, especially german chocolate cake or Oreos.

This is probably one of the better stouts that I’ve had and should be one that any stout fan should have.
